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Community Voices: Congress Needs to Extend the Ban on Insider Trading to Real Estate

Sep 25, 2024

Tiffany Muller

(Coachella Valley Independent) Corruption and self-dealing have plagued Washington, D.C., and prevented Congress from getting things done for the American people for far too long. At
End Citizens United (ECU), our goal is to pass common-sense reforms to get Big Money out of politics and put government back on the side of the American people.

We fight for key legislation that would do more to ensure elected officials cannot use the knowledge gained through their elected positions to line their own pockets—such as the TRUST Act, which would ban members of Congress and their families from trading stocks altogether.

However, even if the TRUST Act were passed, one key loophole would still exist: Members of Congress would still be allowed to make real estate transactions based upon where they direct the federal funding they secure for their districts. In Riverside County, this issue is in the spotlight once again, as 31-year incumbent Ken Calvert is under scrutiny for consistently directing earmarks closely to his existing rental properties, thus driving up their value.