Press Releases

3 Questions on Democracy Trump Must Answer At the Presidential Debate

Jun 26, 2024

As we approach the presidential debate, the American people deserve to hear clear and transparent answers from Donald Trump about key democracy issues. Trump’s record on campaign finance, voting rights, and democracy has raised significant concerns for important voting blocs. With the stakes higher than ever, it’s time for Trump to confront the concerns millions of Americans have about his actions and policies.

End Citizens United // Let America Vote is putting forth three critical questions that Trump must address during the debate:

Selling Access and Policy Outcomes to Billionaires and Big Oil

Question: There have been numerous reports recently of you selling policy outcomes and access to your administration to billionaires and oil magnates in exchange for seven-figure campaign contributions. You have been specifically quoted offering to gut regulations and giving tax handouts. How do you justify this blatant pay-to-play corruption, and do you believe it’s appropriate to sell out the American people for the benefit of wealthy campaign donors? And how does this strategy align with your claims to represent ordinary Americans who are being gouged at the gas pump and are struggling to put food on the table?

Accepting Election Results and January 6

Question: In the wake of your defeat in the 2020 election, you spearheaded a campaign of lies about widespread voter fraud, culminating in the deadly January 6 insurrection, where a mob attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Moreover, throughout your presidency and your current campaign you have repeatedly attacked the integrity of the American electoral system, which has resulted in several states enacting extreme changes that are designed to restrict access to the ballot box. Why do you continue to undermine the democratic principle of free and fair elections without concrete evidence to prove your claims? And can you unequivocally commit to accepting the outcome of the upcoming election?

Attacking Democracy and Personal Freedoms

Question: You have consistently attacked our democracy, undermined the rule of law, and vowed to be a dictator on day one. Your celebration of overturning Roe v. Wade further reveals your ambitions to strip millions of Americans of their rights and freedoms. How can you justify this blatant attack on our democracy and your willingness to take away the fundamental freedoms that define America?
