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ICYMI: Challenger Mucarsel-Powell surges in U.S. Senate poll, closing in on Rick Scott [Sun Sentinel]

Jun 13, 2024

A new poll shows Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in an effective tie with Senator Rick Scott in the U.S. Senate race in Florida. Scott, who was named to End Citizens United’s list of Most Corrupt candidates, has an egregious record abusing his position of power for personal gain, consistently working against Floridians to grow his net worth by millions of dollars. 

“As Debbie Mucarsel-Powell meets with voters across the state, her grassroots support will only continue to grow,” said End Citizens United Spokesperson Grace Silva. “Floridians know they can count on her to prioritize the issues they care most about—unlike corrupt Rick Scott. His record has caught up to him and come November, the voters will send him packing.” 

Sun Sentinel: Challenger Mucarsel-Powell surges in U.S. Senate poll, closing in on Rick Scott

Anthony Man

Key sections:

  • U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., is in a tighter-than-expected contest with his leading Democratic challenger, former U.S. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.
  • A Florida Atlantic University Poll released Wednesday shows Scott with support from 45% of likely voters. Mucarsel-Powell has 43%. Effectively that’s a tie, within the survey’s margin of error.
  • The contest between Scott and Mucarsel-Powell is much tighter — a difference of just 2 percentage points among likely voters — than it was in FAU’s last statewide poll in April.
  • “In April, a lot of people didn’t know who Mucarsel-Powell was. Her name recognition has improved considerably. With that, the support for her has improved,” said Kevin Wagner, an FAU political scientist.
  • “If that trend line holds it suggests that it could be a competitive race,” he said, adding that it is still early to make that assessment. “It’s still June, so we’ll see how that turns out.”
  • And Scott is the wealthiest member of the U.S. Senate, with an estimated net worth of $300 million. He has shown in previous races — including two successful campaigns for Florida governor — that he is willing to spend his own money on his political efforts.
  • The Democrat’s campaign manager, Ben Waldon, said in a statement that the poll shows that “the more Debbie Mucarsel-Powell travels the state and shows Florida voters what she stands for, the tighter this race will become. Pushing an extreme agenda to ban abortion, steal seniors’ Social Security benefits, and raise taxes on the middle class has consequences — something Rick Scott will learn when Florida voters retire him and elect Debbie Mucarsel-Powell this November.”
