Press Releases

On Obergefell Anniversary, ECU and Sen. Baldwin Honor Progress and Underscore Threats to LGBTQ+ Community and Democracy

Jun 26, 2024

MADISON, WI — Today, on the anniversary of the Obergefell decision, End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller joined Senator Tammy Baldwin and local LGBTQ+ leaders in Wisconsin to discuss both the significance of this decision and how safeguarding democracy protects our individual rights.

The press conference highlighted decades of work and hard-earned progress made in securing civil freedoms for the LGBTQ+ community. Muller and Baldwin emphasized that the threats against LGBTQ+ Americans’ rights are part of ultra-conservative extremists’ larger, dark money fueled attacks against our democracy, underscoring the importance of November’s elections. Americans’ freedoms and rights are on the ballot and voters must continue to fight for themselves and for progress.

“Our individual rights and our democracy are on the line this November,” said Muller. “But as we’ve learned in the fight for equality – people are more powerful than money. Senator Tammy Baldwin has always, and will always, fight to protect Wisconsinites’ best interests and for equality for all. She knows that if you fight hard enough and fight long enough, we can make real change. We can safeguard our hard-earned victories and continue to build upon progress.”

“June 26th is a testament and a reminder of all the progress we’ve made to make our country freer and fairer for all Americans. But we can’t mistake progress for success,” said Senator Baldwin. “Our rights and freedoms are on the ballot this fall and we will keep working alongside partners like End Citizens United to ensure our nation continues to move forward, not backwards.”
