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End Citizens United // Let America Vote Congratulates Congressman Andy Kim on Primary Victory

Jun 04, 2024

End Citizens United // Let America Vote (ECU // LAV) President Tiffany Muller released the following statement on Congressman Andy Kim winning the Democratic primary in the New Jersey Senate race:

“Congratulations to Congressman Andy Kim on advancing to the general election. Since the start, Congressman Kim’s campaign has been a testament to the power of a grassroots, people-driven campaign. Even as the machine-style politics and party bosses threw everything at him, Congressman Kim’s pro-democracy, anti-corruption message resonated with New Jerseyans across the state. This momentum will continue to build all the way to Election Day because the people know they can trust Congressman Kim to put them first and deliver real results. We’re excited to work to get him elected to the Senate.”

ECU // LAV was the first national organization to endorse Congressman Kim’s Senate campaign. Since his first campaign in 2018, of which ECU // LAV was top supporter, Congressman Kim has refused to take a dime of corporate PAC money, and earned an “A+” on ECU // LAV’s 2023 legislative scorecard.
