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End Citizens United // Let America Vote Statement on 58th Anniversary of Voting Rights Act of 1965

Aug 06, 2023

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund Chief Program Officer Jody Murphy released the following statement commemorating the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965:

“Fifty eight years ago, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law as a landmark piece of legislation that aimed to eliminate racially discriminatory voting practices towards Black and brown Americans. The VRA has been a tremendous force for good in the United States, protecting access to the ballot box and ensuring that our democracy is more inclusive and representative of the American people.

“But, over the last 10 years, we have witnessed an alarming erosion of these hard-fought gains, as the extremist conservatives on the Supreme Court have surgically chipped away at this critical protection. The results have been devastating. Since the 2020 election, over 100 restrictive voting laws have been passed in 33 states. A staggering 320 anti-voter bills have been introduced this year alone, across 45 states.

“These attacks on the fundamental freedom to vote will not cease unless Congress takes action. The Freedom to Vote Act will prevent corrupt, power-hungry politicians from creating barriers to the ballot box and ensure our elections reflect the voices of all Americans.

“On the anniversary of one of the most significant pieces of legislation in the fight for voting rights, we call on Congress to once again champion the freedom to vote by passing this bill.”
