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At the Races: What pushing for voting rights accomplished

Dec 08, 2022

Kate Ackley, Mary Ellen McIntire, Daniela Altimari and Niels Lesniewski

(Roll Call) Nearly two years into all-Democratic control of Congress and the White House, the party has not passed sweeping legislation for one of its stated top priorities: an overhaul of voting rights, campaign finance and elections law. It’s a failure, yes, but one entirely expected — and not necessarily wholly unwelcome. Even as Democrats and their outside allies knew they couldn’t get the legislation through the Senate, it provided the party a rallying cry on the campaign trail. Tina Olechowski, communications director for the overhaul groups End Citizens United and Let America Vote, which commissioned the poll, said success came in Democratic lawmakers “elevating this issue,” something that voters “obviously responded to.” Added her colleague Adam Smith: “We had full control of Congress, and when that happens you try to make change. It was absolutely the right thing to do.”