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DC Circ. Orders FEC To Revisit Trump Election Law Complaint

Jun 12, 2023

Katie Buehler 

(Law 360) In April 2021, the commission rejected the recommendations of agency lawyers and voted to not investigate claims filed by political action committee End Citizens United that accused Trump’s campaign of violating the Federal Election Campaign Act’s prohibition of federal candidates soliciting donations for PACs. But the FEC didn’t issue an explanation of its reasoning until June 2021, just days after ECU filed a legal challenge to the decision.

ECU spokesperson Bawadden Sayed told Law360 on Monday that the political action committee is “thrilled” with the panel’s ruling.

“The FEC’s nasty habit of dismissing complaints without timely explanations has left us and other legitimate complainants in the dark,” Sayed said. “This tactic has become commonplace, and it speaks to the gridlock and dysfunction within the agency. Going forward, the FEC will be required to provide timely and contemporaneous explanations for dismissals. This is a big win that will force the FEC to be more transparent and accountable in fulfilling its obligations.”