In the News

Ep: 241 – Tiffany Muller

Nov 01, 2022

Bryan Miller


(Nation State of Play) Today we have a great guest, Tiffany Muller with End Citizens United. Tiffany is one of the foremost leaders in this country on the topic of Big Money in politics and we have a conversation about what we can do at the federal and state level to limit that, how we can get rid of it, but also how candidates can be talking about these issues right now in a way that connects voters to the issues that seem top of mind to them but they’re really being impacted by Big Money in politics….Where does [Citizens United] leave campaign finance law in the United States? Well, it leaves it in a pretty bad position…that’s kind of the long and the short of it. The Citizens United decision was decided by the Supreme Court in January 2010, so we are a little over a dozen years out from the decision. On a high level it took two really terrible ideas and it merged them together. First, the decision said corporations are people, and it said that money equals free speech. So, basically, what it was saying is that corporations have the right to spend unlimited amounts of money in our politics and to impact and influence our elections.