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Ethics complaint: Rep. Nick LaLota didn’t list consulting firm clients in disclosure report

Jun 28, 2023

Tom Brune

(Newsday) Rep. Nick LaLota did not file legally required information about his consulting firm and its assets in his 2022 financial disclosure report, according to an advocacy group’s complaint filed Monday with the Office of Congressional Ethics.

The report filed by LaLota (R-Amityville) last July as a House candidate did not disclose the assets and a list of clients of his business, the 495 Consulting Group LLC, as required by law, according to End Citizens United, an advocacy group aligned with Democrats.

“We urge the OCE to investigate his financial disclosure reports and hold him accountable,” End Citizens United president Tiffany Muller said in a statement.

End Citizens United filed the complaint about LaLota with the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent agency that investigates allegations of member and staff misconduct and if warranted refers matters to the House Ethics Committee.

In April, End Citizens United filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission that said LaLota had transferred $1,000 from his state campaign funds to his federal campaign funds in violation of federal election law. The FEC has not posted a response to the complaint.