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Group renews call for Tenney to give up Santos donation

Feb 10, 2023


(Oswego County News) A D.C. political action committee concerned with getting dark money out of politics has called on members of Congress, including Tenney, to divest money donated by Santos. Tenney, R-Canandaigua, received $2,000 from Santos’ GADS PAC in July, FEC records show. A month before, her “Tenacious PAC” donated $2,000 to GADS during the Republican congressional primary. After candidates filed their end-of-year financial disclosures with the FEC, the End Citizens United group issued a statement condemning Tenney for not donating Santos’ campaign contribution of $2,000 to charity… “Despite the numerous investigations and glaring red flags of being associated with Santos, Rep. Tenney refused to donate the money she took from him,” said Tiffany Muller, president of End Citizens United. “By keeping the tainted Santos money, Tenney is at best refusing to join the bipartisan effort to hold Santos accountable, and at worst, endorsing Santos’ lies, deception and corruption.”