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Group sends complaint to Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, IRS alleging political fraud

Jan 29, 2024

Alex Kienlen

(Fox 16) The group End Citizens United claimed it had filed identical complaints in 27 states and to the IRS, alleging the group No Labels is misusing its status. According to its Monday morning news release, ECU claims No Labels is using its non-profit status as a social welfare organization to protect donor identities while establishing a national third-party presidential campaign and end-running rules for political organizations.


In its complaint, ECU claims No Labels’ filings show it has spent $8.9 million in 2022 for ballot access, which is expected to be higher for 2023 based on activity. ECU alleges that no social welfare expenditure is shown on its filings.

“In its attempt to run a third-party presidential ticket, No Labels is abusing its nonprofit status in Arkansas and we believe Attorney General Tim Griffin should investigate and hold them accountable,” Muller said. “No Labels is a shadowy dark money political group that is grossly exploiting Arkansas laws which are designed to benefit legitimate social welfare organizations. If No Labels’ corrupt charade continues unchecked, it will set a dangerous precedent for future elections.”

ECU states in its release that the 27 states where the complaints were filed are the states where No Labels is authorized to solicit contributions.