Election 2018 | In the News

National Journal: End Citizens United PAC Boosts Democratic Senate Candidates

Jul 19, 2016

End Cit­izens United PAC is launch­ing TV ads sup­port­ing Demo­crat­ic Sen­ate can­did­ates in New Hamp­shire and Nevada. The group is spend­ing $1.4 mil­lion in New Hamp­shire on a statewide broad­cast and cable buy, run­ning in Bo­ston and Manchester, to run Au­gust 16-29.

In Nevada, it’s spend­ing $1.5 mil­lion on a statewide broad­cast and cable buy that will in­clude Las Ve­gas and Reno, run­ning Au­gust 16-Septem­ber 2.

Click here for the full article at National Journal.