“This year your Fourth of July is more expensive because Democrats’ harmful economic policies are making everyday goods cost more,” the narrator says as a dark collage featuring President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York fills the screen.

“Coloradans are being forced to pay more to celebrate the Fourth of July this year because Ed Perlmutter’s wasteful spending has caused inflation to skyrocket,” said NRCC spokeswomen Courtney Parella. “Voters will hold Perlmutter accountable for making everyday goods and services more expensive.”

Parella told Colorado Politics that redistricting and the party’s legislative agenda spell an especially difficult election year ahead for Democrats.

“We will be aggressively pursuing every pathway to the majority, and that includes targeting vulnerable Colorado Democrats, like Ed Perlmutter,” she said.

Republicans need to net just five seats to take the majority in the House next year.

Perlmutter’s campaign manager, Austin Blumenfeld, dismissed the attack.

“According to nonpartisan redistricting commission staff, these maps are going to change,” he told Colorado Politics. “The NRCC is wasting their money.”

The only Republican running against Perlmutter so far is Laurel Imer, an outspoken supporter of former President Donald Trump, who ran unsuccessfully for a Jefferson County-based state legislative seat last year.