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Nevada GOP Senate hopeful clears up disclosure omission, faces FEC complaint

Nov 07, 2023

Casey Harrison

(Las Vegas Sun) Brown also is in hot water with the political action group End Citizens United, which on Thursday announced it had filed a complaint with the FEC against Brown. End Citizens United alleges Brown “illegitimately” used his Duty First PAC — which he said was formed to help elect Nevada Republicans to Congress — to retire debt from his failed 2022 Senate run.


CNN reported in August that fewer than 2% of Duty First’s funds went toward candidates, and that approximately $55,000 of a $91,500 fund was used to repay said campaign debt. End Citizens United alleges Duty First appeared to have raised funds without disclosing to donors the funds would go toward debt retirement, which they contend is an FEC violation, among other violations.


“Sam Brown’s scheme represents a new frontier of misleading donors and taking advantage of higher contribution limits for his own self-benefit,” End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller said in a release announcing the complaint. “This malicious misuse of his PAC is unprecedented and, if left unchecked, would set a dangerous precedent increasing the power of ultra-wealthy donors. We strongly urge the FEC to investigate this corruption and hold Brown accountable.”