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NH Primary Source: ECU/LAV praises Hassan in new digital ad for supporting For the People Act

Aug 17, 2021

By John DiStaso

August 17, 2021

(WMUR – New Hampshire) – PART OF $250k BUY. End Citizens United/Let America Vote, a progressive dual voting rights-campaign finance reform group, is praising Sen. Maggie Hassan for supporting two reform bills in Senate votes last week.

Hassan joined her fellow Democrats in support of the For the People Act, but Senate Republicans blocked passage.

A separate Democratic move to have a vote on the DISCLOSE Act, which would require any organization that spends $10,000 or more on campaign expenditures to file a disclosure report with the Federal Election Commission within 24 hours, was also blocked by the GOP.

ECU/LAV endorsed Hassan’s reelection bid in May.

The group on Tuesday is releasing a 15-second digital ad as the Senate has begun its recess.

“The digital ads are part of a new $250,000 ad buy praising Senator Hassan and other senators for standing up to dark money,” ECU/LAV said.

The group said the ad will run on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google and connected TV in New Hampshire.

In the ad, a narrator says:

“To billionaires and corporate interests, buying elections is worth every penny.

“But Senator Hassan knows you can’t put a price on democracy. She voted to end dark money and tackle corruption so Washington works for us.”