In the News

Residents Call Out LaLota

Apr 20, 2023

Christopher Walsh

(East Hampton Star) In a separate development, End Citizens United, a group comprising Democratic operatives working to combat the influence of money in politics, announced on Tuesday that Mr. LaLota has donated a $2,900 contribution he received from Mr. Santos. Mr. LaLota was one of 12 legislators the group had called on to donate money received from the congressman. “What took Nick LaLota several months to decide should have only taken him several seconds,” Bawadden Sayed, a spokesman for End Citizens United, said in a statement. “George Santos’ tainted money has no place in his campaign account. It took a massive pressure campaign for him to begrudgingly donate the money. LaLota should be ashamed he held onto Santos’ money for that long, and the other Republicans still holding onto his money should donate it too — and do so immediately.” Mr. LaLota has called for the congressman’s resignation.