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The Georgia GOP Senate bill would ease voter challenges despite potential federal legal conflicts

Apr 07, 2023


(Georgia Law News) The types of poll workers allowed into a secure room where the ballots are kept are specified, as is a Chain of Custody protocol that dictates that blank ballots be kept in sealed containers and that two people sign a transfer form when the ballots are returned transported between constituencies. Prosecutors could not be held liable for wrongdoing if they make a good faith effort to investigate allegations of violations of electoral laws, Burns suggested. The bill also includes a requirement that poll workers must be US citizens and be “prudent, intelligent and honest.” Tiffany Muller, president of End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund, called on Georgia lawmakers to reject Burns’ election bill. “From lowering standards of proof for contesting election results to banning the use of Dropbox to empowering conspiracy theorists, SB 221 is an outright assault on Georgia’s freedom of choice,” she said in a statement. “Republicans aren’t even shy that this bill is a direct response to more people of color voting and making their voices heard. Instead of winning elections on merit and ideas, they try to keep their power by changing the rules.