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The Real Battle Starts When the Voting Ends. Are Democrats Ready?

Nov 07, 2022

Daniel Strauss


(The New Republic) “The groups with lawyers are lined up. The grassroots are lined up, and they’re all getting ready to react,” said Adam Bozzi, the executive vice president for communications for End Citizens United/Let America Vote, a political action committee that focuses on protecting voting rights. “Everybody is well aware what happened in 2020. Everybody has seen the last two years, where there has been a concerted, coordinated effort on the other side to both restrict access to voting and put in place the pieces to sabotage and overturn future elections. There have been alerts and alarms going off for a long time now, and so our side is going to be ready.” Bozzi, the End Citizens United/Let America Vote top communications staffer, said most of what his group would be doing in the final days leading up to the election would be in traditional media and social media, fighting misinformation and raising awareness about voting. “We’re going to probably [be] helping mobilize grassroots when that needs to happen,” Bozzi said. “We have been and are going to counter misinformation and disinformation through social media, earned media opportunities, and general coalition work.”