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Tiffany Muller: The 14-Year Making of Supreme Court Corruption

Jan 18, 2024

Tiffany Muller

(Courier Newsroom) Fourteen years ago, the Supreme Court made arguably one of the worst decisions in Constitutional history when they decided Citizens United v. FEC. Despite opening the floodgates of unlimited and undisclosed money into our politics, the justices naively opined that this case would not give rise to corruption stating: “independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.” 14 years after that decision, all we have to do is read the headlines on any given day to see how truly mistaken they were. 

Just in the past year, we have seen a seemingly never-ending series of corruption-laden scandals in the Supreme Court, which can all be traced back to this disastrous decision that forever reshaped every branch of American government. 

And as a result, the American people have overwhelmingly lost faith and trust in the Supreme Court––and even American democracy.