Press Releases

3 Questions McCarthy Needs to Answer Today

Feb 16, 2023

Speaker Kevin McCarthy is holding a press conference this afternoon where he needs to answer questions about his role in keeping George Santos’ fraud quiet and whether he thinks Santos should be held accountable. A new FEC complaint End Citizens United filedagainst George Santos states Sam Miele, a fundraiser for Santos’ congressional campaign during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, broke the law when he impersonated Dan Meyer, the chief of staff to then Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, to solicit campaign contributions.

This fraudulent activity was a giant red flag that McCarthy knew about as early as August 2021. He helped keep it quiet, allowing Santos’ corruption to persist.

Here are three questions he needs to answer today:

  1. Should George Santos be punished for having his campaign impersonate your chief of staff to solicit campaign contributions?

  2. Why did you help Santos keep this illegal activity quiet insead of reporting it to the proper authorities?

  3. Are you comfortable having a member of your caucus who broke federal law by impersonating your chief of staff?
