Press Releases

Adam Laxalt Wants to Bring His Lies and Pay-to-Play Corruption to the Senate

Aug 17, 2021

After being rejected by Nevada voters in 2018 for being too corrupt and too beholden to the Koch brothers and his other wealthy donors, former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt launched his campaign today to give corporate special interests even more power in the U.S. Senate.

As the Attorney General of Nevada, Laxalt was involved in unethical pay-to-play schemes with his big money donors and worked on behalf of dark money groups that wanted to limit transparency in political campaigns, all while Koch brother-aligned groups were spending millions of dollars to elect him. Two years later, Laxalt was spreading lies pushed by dark money special interests about the free and fair 2020 election, falsely accusing military members and their families of voter fraud.

“Nevadans saw the abuse of public office that Adam Laxalt brought to the Attorney General’s office for four years and know that the last thing we need is another lying, corrupt politician in the Senate,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller. “Laxalt is just another bought-and-paid-for politician who puts his wealthy donors above the people of Nevada. We look forward to seeing him be defeated next year.”
