Press Releases

Advancement of Montana and Texas Voter Suppression Bills Underscore Need for Senate to Pass For the People Act (S. 1/H.R. 1)

Apr 09, 2021

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund President Tiffany Muller released the following statement in response to the latest state-level voter suppression efforts in Montana and Texas:

“As Montana is passing new laws putting barriers between voters and the ballot box, and Texas is using misinformation and a lie about the 2020 election to advance its own bill to prevent people from voting, the urgency to pass the For the People Act is increasing.

“These dangerous voter suppression efforts in Montana and Texas are the latest in a series of dark money-fueled efforts by Republicans across the country to disenfranchise communities of color and shape the electorate in their favor after a decisive loss in 2020.

“With over 361 similarly insidious state-level bills to erect barriers to voting in 47 states across the country, now is the time for the U.S. Senate to pass the For the People Act and for Congress to introduce John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

“The For the People Act would put a stop to these dangerous state-level voter suppression laws, ensuring that all Americans have the freedom to vote. It would also reduce the influence of dark money in politics so billionaires can’t buy elections, crack down on political corruption, and provide funding for accurate and safe elections, ensuring that our government is working for everyday Americans, not corporate special interests.”
