Press Releases

After Nearly Two Years, DePerno Refuses to Come Clean About the Missing $400K 

Oct 05, 2022

Following the 2020 election and the numerous efforts to undermine the will of voters, Matt DePerno, Michigan’s GOP candidate for Attorney General, created a sham “election fraud defense fund” to overturn the 2020 election results. The fund collected $389,000 in donations. 

Nearly two years later, DePerno still refuses to say what happened to the almost $400,000, and his bank is investigating him over his sham fund. Even his fellow Republicans have called him out for it. Not only has the Detroit News Editorial Board called for DePerno to account for the money, DePerno’s refusal to say where the $400,000 went is just another example of how he is a corrupt politician who cares more about lining his pockets than protecting the will of Michigan voters. 

DePerno has a history of being untrustworthy and only looking out for himself:

  • DePerno was fired from his law firm in 2005. 
    • He was fired after his former coworkers alleged he “padded” client billings for the sake of his personal and professional development. 
    • Even court filings show he claimed “excessive” write offs and and “manipulated” the firm’s timekeeping system to illegitimately log hours. 

If he can’t be honest about what he did with $400,000 and can’t be honest with his clients, how can Michigan voters trust him to protect them as attorney general?

