Dark money groups have captured the courts; Freedom to Vote Act needed to counter their extremist agenda
Today, the Supreme Court is hearing a case on Texas’ extremist anti-abortion ban, SB8, which could result in a radical decision to devestate reproductive freedom for millions.
One of the driving forces behind Texas’ anti-reproductive law is the flood of dark money polluting our politics, especially in Texas.
Dark money groups have raised over $250 million to push confirm radical judges and push a extremist agenda in the courts, and spent $17 million on anti-Merrick Garland and pro-Neil Gorsuch messaging, at least $3 million to promote Amy Coney Barrett, and $7.3 million on Brett Kavanaugh. In Texas, one dark money group spent $8 million to lobby for anti-abortion laws. Those same dark money groups and self-serving politicians backed by corporate special interests have also pushed radical anti-voter laws that restrict freedom to vote and silence voters’ voices on issues like reproductive freedom.
Dark money special interests have spent millions of dollars to appoint judges to push their extremist anti-woman, anti-worker, anti-voting agenda on the American people.
The only way to reverse this and ensure that Wahsington is held accountable and voters have fair and equal representation is for the Senate to quickly pass both the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These anti-corruption, voting rights bills will protect the freedom to vote so every American can make their voice and vote heard and will finally ban dark money so that billionaires and corporations can no longer buy our elections or our courts.