Press Releases

ECU Calls for Impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas

Apr 06, 2023

Following ProPublica’s bombshell story about Justice Clarence Thomas’ history of taking luxury trips around the world, which were paid for by his far-right billionaire friend and illegally undisclosed for 20 years, End Citizens United (ECU) President Tiffany Muller released the below statement calling on Congress to impeach Thomas:

“Time and again, Justice Thomas has made a mockery of ethics laws and guidelines designed to uphold the integrity of the Supreme Court. That includes accepting millions of dollars in gifts from billionaire and corporate donors, breaching conflict of interest protocols, and ruling on issues where his wife had business before the Court. Throughout his time on the bench, Justice Thomas has done more than any other individual to degrade faith in the institution and cause irreparable damage to the public’s trust in the Court.

“Clarence Thomas’ tight-knit relationship with extremist billionaires helps explain why he has attacked the rights and freedoms of regular Americans to benefit his corporate and dark money benefactors.

“Justice Roberts has refused to investigate a number of allegations surrounding Justice Thomas’ ethical violations or to hold him accountable. In absence of action from the Court, Congress must act. Clarence Thomas has damaged America long enough. Congress should remove him from the Court.

“Further, MAGA Republicans have blocked anti-corruption reforms, such as Senator Whitehouse’s Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act, which would have prevented or shed light on many of Justice Thomas’ illegal activities. Congress must act swiftly to pass these reforms to restore the integrity of the Court.”

Thomas’ history of violations:

ECU has repeatedly called for passage of Senator Whitehouse’s Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act to implement tough ethics standards and ensure Americans have full transparency into the justices’ ethical and legal issues.
