Press Releases

ECU // LAV Statement on Rep. John Sarbanes Retirement

Oct 26, 2023

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Statement on Rep. John Sarbarnes Retirement

‘There is no bigger champion in the fight to protect our democracy than Congressman John Sarbanes’

End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller issued the following statement on Congressman John Sarbanes announcing he will retire from Congress at the end of this term:

“There is no bigger champion in the fight to protect our democracy than Congressman John Sarbanes,” said Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United // Let America Vote. “Over the years, I’ve had the honor of traveling across the country with him to support democracy champions and share our vision of the For The People Act with voters. Congressman Sarbanes was never in politics for money or power or access. He answered the call to service and used his time in Congress to make a difference. No matter what he was doing, when we hit a snag, he was only a phone call away. He never gave up.

Muller added, “There would be no democracy movement without Congressman Sarbanes. Long before it was the cause du jour, he was there, pouring his heart and soul into strengthening our democracy and putting power back into the hands of the people. He was the architect and author of H.R. 1, the For the People Act. He traveled the country to inspire Americans to join the fight to fix our government. He has been our rock in the fight for democracy reform, even when things looked most desperate and we’ve always been proud to follow his lead. We are eternally grateful for Congressman Sarbanes steadfast leadership and dedication to this cause. The fight isn’t over, and we look forward to continuing our work together as he looks towards the next chapter.”

Since being elected as a Majority Maker 2006 with a mandate to reform ethics in Washington, Congressman Sarbanes has been at the forefront of the fight to root out corruption in government, limit the power lobbyists have in Congress, empower small dollar donors, prevent election sabotage, protect the freedom to vote, end dark money, and stop egregious partisan gerrymandering that denies voters fair and equal representation. As chair of the Democracy Reform Task Force, Congressman Sarbanes has authored and been the lead co-sponsor of the For the People Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Congressman Sarbanes refuses to accept money from PACs and lobbyists, so he is only accountable to the people he represents.

For nearly twenty years, Congressman Sarbanes has been a powerful voice and advocate for the people of Maryland’s 3rd Congressional district, including working to protect the environment, fighting for more-affordable, higher-quality health care, and giving students the tools they need to succeed.
