Press Releases

ECU Milestones: 1 Million Donors, $200 Million Raised to Protect Democracy

Oct 20, 2022

Since its launch in 2015, End Citizens United and its affiliated groups have raised $200 million from 1 million donors to win elections, pass legislation, and elevate the issue of protecting democracy.

End Citizens United announced that this month it has surpassed two major milestones in the organization’s 7 year history. It has surpassed 1 million donors and raised $200 million to protect democracy.

The grassroots organization was founded in 2015 and has grown to be the leading democracy reform organization in the country. It has elevated the issue by electing champions who are committed to limiting the influence of money in politics and protecting the freedom to vote in office.

Since its founding the group has:

  • Expanded the electoral program to include state and local races.

  • Added an issue and legislative advocacy program.

  • Merged with Let America Vote to form the largest democracy-focused organization in the country.

ECU President Tiffany Muller said:

“End Citizens United was founded because Americans want everyone to have a voice in our democracy, so that the system works for all of us. In a few short years, our success has proved that this is an issue that voters care about and that our elected officials should prioritize.

“We’ve been proud to lead the fight against politicians in the pockets of extremist dark money groups and corporate interests who are restricting the freedom to vote and stacking the deck for the benefit of themselves and their big donors.

“The attacks on our democracy are intensifying and threaten its foundation. Its very survival is at risk in ways unlike any other time in our history. We are prepared, ready, and able to continue this fight, so that everyone’s vote is protected and everyone has a say in the decisions our leaders make.”

End Citizens United since 2015:

Lifetime raised: $200 million

Lifetime donors: 1 million

Members: 4 million

Races won: 500

Federal: 345

State and Local: 155

Number of Independent expenditures: 83

Number of members of Congress who refuse corporate PAC money: From less than 10 to 60 in 5 years

Elevated democracy as a priority in Congress: In 2019, the For the People Act was assigned HR1, and in 2021 it was assigned HR1 and S1

Successful policy victories:

  • Won ballot initiatives in California, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, and Seattle.

  • Passed the Campaign Parity Act; Protected Johnson Amendment; Protected against gutting of Office of Congressional Ethics.

  • House passage of HR1, the Freedom to Vote Act; HR4, the John Lewis Voting Empowerment Act; HR 51, Washington DC Statehood.

  • Supported partners in key states on important legislative victories.

Protected ballot access during a pandemic:

  • SAFE Democracy Project: 50-state grassroots strategy focused on building support in Congress for election safety and preparedness funding, as well as pressuring officials in states that did not allow vote-by-mail.

  • #SaveTheVote Campaign: Mobilized a coalition of 18 major political and issue advocacy groups to run a war room that pushed back against Trump and Republican misinformation and suppression, provided voter education, and ran get out the vote efforts.
