Press Releases

ECU Praises Rep. Jared Golden’s New Legislation and Anti-Corruption Plan

Jul 09, 2020

End Citizens United and Let America Vote Action Fund President Tiffany Muller released the following statement applauding Rep. Jared Golden’s (ME-02) bold package of reforms to fight corruption in Washington, including two new bills that will shed light on dark money in politics and require senior government officials and their family members to divest foreign financial interests:

“Congressman Golden has released a bold set of anti-corruption policies today, including two new pieces of critical legislation that will curtail dark money and fight the threat of foreign interference in our elections. Congressman Golden is keeping the promise he made to voters to fight the power of special interests in politics and we applaud his continued leadership and commitment to creating a democracy that’s transparent and accountable to the people.”

Golden’s Agenda to Fix a Broken Washington highlights the various democracy reform legislation he has supported during his first term in office, including demonstrating how he  followed through on his promise to make taking on corruption in Washington his top priority by helping lead the passage of H.R.1, the For the People Act. This legislation would implement the most sweeping campaign finance, voting rights, and ethics reforms since Watergate, and includes an amendment led by Rep. Golden that would prevent bad actors from abusing the bill’s clean elections program.

The plan also includes two new bills introduced today by Rep. Golden. The Crack Down on Dark Money Act would bring dark money into the light to ensure Americans know who’s trying to influence their vote by forcing these organizations to either drastically limit their election spending or disclose their funders. Golden’s Stop Foreign Payoffs Act would prevent senior government officials from having conflicts of interest with foreign entities by prohibiting them from earning a salary from or holding an investment in a foreign business as long as the official is in office.
