Press Releases

Dark Money Groups Getting Return On Investment With Supreme Court’s Unprecedented Roll Back of Rights

Sep 03, 2021

The dark money special interests that bought and paid for an extremist right-wing conservative majority are finally getting their return on investment. From rolling back the fundamental right to vote, to taking unprecedented steps to control executive branch immigration policy, to giving wealthy donors more control over our elections, to evicting millions of Americans, to now using the shadow docket in an extraordinary way to effectively end Roe v. Wade, it is clear that the dark money special interests who bought Supreme Court Justices in the hopes of imposing an extremist, right-wing agenda have now succeeded in doing so.

“The recent rulings handed down by the Supreme Court make it clear that dark money has played an undeniable role in giving power to radical partisan special interests that will have a huge impact on Americans’ lives. The rights of Americans are being infringed by extremist judges who were hand-picked by dark money groups to protect their interests,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller. “We must enact reforms to restore an impartial and non-partisan court by passing the For the People to crackdown on dark money and the influence of special interests and ensure Supreme Court justices are held to the same ethical standards as every other judge in America. The stakes are too high for the Senate to allow procedure and process to stand in the way.”

Dark money groups have raised over $250 million to push the courts rightward, and spent $17 million on anti-Merrick Garland and pro-Neil Gorsuch messaging, at least $3 million to promote Amy Coney Barrett, and $7.3 million on Brett Kavanaugh.
