Press Releases

End Citizens United and Let America Vote Officially Congratulate Ritchie Torres on Primary Win in NY-15

Aug 04, 2020

End Citizens United (ECU) and Let America Vote (LAV) President Tiffany Muller released the following statement congratulating Ritchie Torres on officially winning the Democratic primary in NY-15: 

“Congratulations to Ritchie Torres and to the people of the South Bronx for sending a Democrat to Congress. Ritchie will join a new generation of reformers in Congress who are rejecting corporate PAC money and fighting back against Big Money special interests. As a New York City Councilman, he sponsored legislation to strengthen public financing and require public-facing disclosure of campaign spending. In Washington, Ritchie will continue to be a strong advocate for reform, helping to unrig our broken system by rooting out corruption and protecting voting rights. We’re proud to stand with Ritchie Torres.”

ECU and LAV endorsed Ritchie Torres in January 2020 because of his commitment to unrigging the system for South Bronx families. ECU launched a $50,000 digital ad buy supporting Ritchie Torres in the primary. The reform group has four million members nationwide, including 3,500 in NY-15, and is entirely grassroots-funded with an average donation of just $14.
