Press Releases

End Citizens United and Let America Vote Statement on Biden Accepting Democratic Nomination for President

Aug 21, 2020

End Citizens United (ECU) and Let America Vote (LAV) President Tiffany Muller released the following statement on Joe Biden accepting the Democratic nomination for president of the United States: 

“Congratulations to Joe Biden on tonight’s nomination. While Trump is the most corrupt President in modern history and has spent his presidency enriching himself, his family, and corporate special interests, Joe has dedicated his career to fighting to make sure our government is working for the people.

“News today of the indictment of another top Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, is the latest example of the corruption in Washington and the need to unrig the system. Vice President Biden has already committed to leading on a set of comprehensive reforms like those reflected in the For the People Act (H.R. 1) as a first priority of his new Administration. He knows we need to once and for all end special interest control over Washington and protect the voice and vote of every American.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the leaders for the moment to restore the soul of our nation. We look forward to helping make sure they win for the sake of our democracy.”
