Press Releases

End Citizens United and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Call Out Hovde’s Shady Finances

May 22, 2024

End Citizens United today hosted a virtual press call to demand Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde to stop hiding his finances and file his financial disclosure. 

Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United, was joined by Ben Wikler, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, to underscore the importance of Wisconsinites’ ability to know how Hovde made his megamillions and what he stands to gain financially in the Senate. 


“Every candidate is required to disclose their finances—but Eric Hovde has yet to do so and delaying keeps Wisconsinites in the dark,” said Muller. “Why do we care? Because Hovde bankrolled his campaign with millions and millions of dollars he’s made owning and running a bank out in California—nearly 90% of the money Hovde raised for his campaign came directly from his own bank account. One thing is abundantly clear: Wisconsinites deserve to know how Hovde made his megamillions and what financial incentives he has to be running for office. We call on Eric Hovde to stop hiding and disclose his finances immediately.”

“If Eric Hovde is going to spend millions of dollars of his own money to buy this election, voters deserve to know how he made that money, and where he has his money invested,” said Wikler

With 90% of the money Hovde has raised coming from his own pockets, the people of Wisconsin want to know how he made his money and where it came from. Hovde has refused to offer clarity regarding his $74 million dollars investment in companies offshored to avoid paying U.S. taxes, the millions of dollars in profits from the nursing home that is suing his bank for elder abuse, negligence, and wrongful death, and more of his shadowy business practices. 

His refusal to file financial disclosures until after early voting begins in Wisconsin prevents voters from knowing crucial information that has the potential to sway their votes. 
