Press Releases

End Citizens United Applauds Biden-Harris Administration’s Supreme Court Reform Package

Jul 29, 2024

End Citizens United (ECU) President Tiffany Muller issued the following statement praising the Biden-Harris Administration’s proposed Supreme Court reforms:

“We applaud President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for continuing to lead on the critical issue of defending and advancing our democracy. President Biden is right: Supreme Court reform is critical to our democracy. 

“MAGA extremists have captured the Supreme Court and undermined our rights and freedoms. The American people see it for what it is. They see the rampant corruption and the pay-to-play system that Leonard Leo has set up to give billionaires and corporate special interests access and influence over the courts, while the American people are left to suffer the consequences. 

“Justice for thee but not for me cannot be the modus operandi of the highest court in the land. It’s past time for Congress to enact meaningful reforms to the Supreme Court, including a binding and enforceable code of conduct and term limits.”

ECU has been a leader in the coalition calling for reforms to the Supreme Court. Last month, ECU and Court Accountability released a poll which found that voters in House battleground districts strongly support oversight and accountability for the Supreme Court. Additionally, earlier this year marking the 14th anniversary of the disastrous Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, ECU President Tiffany Muller published an op-ed highlighting how that decision is at the root of the corruption in the Supreme Court and how it’s undermining our democracy.
