Press Releases

End Citizens United Calls for DOJ Investigation into Margarita Wilkinson

Nov 20, 2023

End Citizens United (ECU) filed a complaint with the Department of Justice (DOJ) asking for an investigation into Margarita Wilkinson, Republican candidate for California’s 49th congressional district. The complaint asks the DOJ to investigate Wilkinson for potentially violating federal law by failing to timely file a personal financial disclosure report (PFD).

“Margarita Wilkinson’s attempt to keep voters in the dark about her finances could be a direct violation of federal law and is an affront to our democracy,” said Tiffany Muller, President of ECU. “This blatant contempt for her financial obligations bars the public from knowing critical information about her self-funded campaign finances. We strongly urge the DOJ to swiftly investigate and hold Wilkinson accountable.”

The violations:

  • On August 15, Wilkinson filed a statement for candidacy for the 49th congressional district seat. Her principal campaign committee reported raising over $5,000 towards the primary election on August 18th—solidifying her candidacy for CA-49.

  • Wilkinson self-funded $825,000 in loans, and continued to raise and spend funds for the 2024 election.

  • As required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, candidates are required to file a personal financial disclosure form within 30 days of becoming a candidate or by May 15th of the year they became a candidate—whichever is later. Individuals have the option to request an extension of ninety days.

  • As she “became” a candidate on August 18th, Wilkinson was required to file a PFD form by September 17, 2023.

  • Over a month later, Wilkinson has still not filed a PFD nor does it appear that she has requested an extension for the disclosure.

Click HERE to read the complaint.
