Election 2018 | Press Releases

End Citizens United Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Jul 20, 2016

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Contact: Adam Bozzi, adam@endcitizensunited.org

End Citizens United announced today that it is endorsing Hillary Clinton for President. 

Clinton has put forward an aggressive plan to reform our campaign finance system and end the corrupting influence of unlimited, anonymous spending in our elections.  In her first 30 days in office, Clinton will push a Constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s misguided Citizens United decision, which opened the door for billions of dollars in corporate and special-interest money to flow into our politics.

“Hillary Clinton has spent a lifetime fighting for working families.  She’s taken on and beaten special interests before, and will fight for everyday Americans.  That includes standing up to the billionaires and corporate special interests who’ve rigged the system for their own benefit,” End Citizens United Executive Director Tiffany Muller, said.  “While Hillary is committed to meaningful campaign finance reform, Donald Trump’s platform calls for more money and less transparency in our elections, allowing for more corruption.  In this race, the choice is clear.  End Citizens United is proud to support Hillary Clinton and will work with her to give American families a voice in our government.”

Hillary Clinton’s plan to reform our campaign finance system includes the constitutional amendment, appointing Supreme Court justices who will protect Americans’ right to vote over the right of billionaires to buy elections, requiring outside groups to publicly disclose significant political spending, and instituting a small-donor matching system for presidential and congressional elections to give small donors greater influence.

A survey conducted earlier this year on behalf of End Citizens United showed that 75% of voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Citizens United decision. The same survey showed that the issue of reducing the influence of special interest money in politics was the second priority of Independent voters – only behind stopping terrorism.

End Citizens United PAC was established in March 2015 to counter the disastrous effects of Citizens United and reform our campaign finance system. To date, more than 1.5 million grassroots members from every state and territory have taken action to support End Citizens United.

Read more on ECU from the San Francisco Chronicle: End Citizens United Aggressively Seeks Campaign Finance Reform.