Press Releases

End Citizens United Launches $500,000 ‘Shady Sheehy’ Ad Campaign in Montana Senate Race

Jun 25, 2024

Out-of-State Millionaire Sheehy Gets the ‘Man in Finance’ Treatment

End Citizens United (ECU) today launched a new $500,000 ad campaign in the Montana Senate race. The ads expose Tim Sheehy as a wealthy outsider posing as a wannabe cowboy who came to Montana, bought up large swaths of land, and closed it off to the public—which is why he supports selling off Montana’s prized public lands to wealthy out-of-staters like himself. The digital ad campaign, which will run from June 25-July 29, includes five different creatives across streaming video, audio, and social media platforms.

“While Shady Tim Sheehy plays dress-up cowboy, real Montanans are losing access to public lands that are the heart of Montana heritage and society,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller. “Shady Sheehy is a wealthy out-of-stater who parachuted into Montana and doesn’t respect or reflect the values that define the Montana way of life. His goal is to privatize and sell off public lands to wealthy elites like himself. This agenda is out-of-touch with Montana voters, and we’re excited to expose the truth about his actions and intentions.”

Click here to watch the “Man in Finance” ad

Listen to the digital radio ad “Cowboy” here:

  • Real cowboys don’t threaten Montana’s public lands, or charge outrageous fees just to hunt on their property.  But Tim Sheehy is a “wannabe cowboy.” 

  • Rich out-of-stater, buying up our land and closing it off.  

  • Sheehy started charging over twelve thousand dollars just to hunt on his property.  

  • Now Tim Sheehy said he’d end federal protections for our public lands. 

  • His plan would hand them to rich special interests.

  • No wonder they call him Shady Sheehy.

ECU is dedicated to combating the two biggest challenges facing our democracy: the corrosive impact of Big Money and attempts to block access to the ballot box. Since its founding in 2015, the group has had over 1 million donors and raised $200 million, with an average donation of just $14. The group has more than four million members nationwide.
