Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund Blasts Corrupt North Carolina Gerrymander

Oct 26, 2023

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund president Tiffany Muller issued the following statement blasting North Carolina Republicans’ aggressive new gerrymandered electoral maps:

“Shame on corrupt North Carolina Republicans and their aggressively gerrymandered map that disenfranchises voters. After years of endlessly fighting, litigating, and changing the rules, they’ve finally forced their will onto voters so they can wield disproportionate power. Despite statewide elections and the court-approved map proving that North Carolina is a swing state, North Carolina Republicans are hellbent on rigging the system to maintain their corrupt control. This is yet another example of why politicians shouldn’t be allowed to choose their voters and why Congress needs to pass the Freedom to Vote Act to ensure electoral maps are drawn in a nonpartisan way.”

The Freedom to Vote Act, which is supported by every member of the U.S. House and Senate Democratic caucuses, would ban the act of partisan gerrymandering; require states to abide by specific criteria for congressional redistricting and makes judicial remedies available for states’ failure to comply; and allow states to choose how to develop redistricting plans, including the option of having an independent redistricting commission.
