Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Celebrates Pride Month

May 31, 2024

End Citizens United // Let America Vote (ECU // LAV) President Tiffany Muller released the following statement ahead of Pride Month: 

“This weekend, we celebrate the start of Pride Month, where we take the time to honor the resilience and power of the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout our history, LGBTQ+ Americans have fought for equal opportunity, justice, and to expand civil rights. The tireless work has created a more diverse, more inclusive nation.

“Though we have made tremendous, hard-earned strides towards equality, we’ve recently seen an aggressive uptick in legislation attacking the LGBTQ+ community, especially against transgender Americans. MAGA extremists have made it a clear priority that they want to strip away critical protections against the LGBTQ+ community, erasing decades of progress. Dark money organizations have poured millions of dollars towards groups specifically targeting LGBTQ+ Americans, to candidates who perpetuate an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda, and into packing courts with homophobic judges and justices across the country.

“Unfortunately, we’ve begun to see the impact of their work. Last year, a record-breaking number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills were introduced across the United States—almost three times the amount as 2022. And between the growing number of ultraconservative judges and Justice Thomas’ call to overturn Obergefell, there’s a clear threat from our judicial system—which should serve to protect Americans, but instead is being shaped to carry out a far-right agenda.

“But Pride began as a protest—and we will not stop fighting to protect LGBTQ+ Americans. We urge Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would address the specific challenges and voter suppression tactics that LGBTQ+ Americans—especially people of color—face. This Pride Month, we recommit ourselves to carrying on the fight to ensure everyone—no matter who they love or what their gender identity is—can participate in our democracy.”
