Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Congratulates Congressman Matt Cartwright on Primary Election Victory

May 17, 2022

End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller released the following statement congratulating Congressman Matt Cartwright on winning the Democratic primary in PA-08:

“Congratulations to Congressman Matt Cartwright on his victory tonight. Congressman Cartwright is a leader when it comes to ensuring that every American can make their voice heard at the ballot box, co-authoring the Time Off to Vote Act, which would give all workers at least two hours of paid time off to vote. He’s also fought back against billionaire and corporate-backed dark money groups trying to buy our elections. He sponsored the OPEN Act to improve transparency by discouraging dark money groups from using social welfare status to funnel millions into elections so that hard working Pennsylvanians won’t have their voices drowned out by wealthy and powerful elites.

“We are excited about his victory tonight and look forward to re-electing him this November.”

ECU // LAV is a leading anti-corruption and voting rights group. The grassroots-funded political action committee raised and spent $65.5 million in the 2020 election cycle to elect candidates fighting to limit the influence of big money in politics and protect the freedom to vote. ECU // LAV has more than four million members nationwide, including over 300,000 in Pennsylvania.
