Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Endorses Congressman Adam Schiff for U.S. Senate

Jun 07, 2024

Congressman Schiff is refusing to take corporate PAC money in his campaign

End Citizens United // Let America Vote (ECU // LAV) today endorsed Congressman Adam Schiff for U.S. Senate in California. Congressman Schiff is refusing to take corporate PAC money in his campaign.

“Our democracy is facing unprecedented threats from MAGA extremists who look to undermine our elections and there is no one better to stand up to them in the Senate than Congressman Adam Schiff,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller. “As lead manager in the first impeachment trial against Donald Trump, Congressman Schiff showed that he will always stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law. He’s also been leading the charge to root out corruption in government and holding corporate special interests accountable, which is why he is refusing to take corporate PAC money. His leadership will safeguard the future of our nation and strengthen our democracy. We’re excited to endorse Congressman Schiff and look forward to working with him in the Senate.”

“Since my first days in Congress, I have been a champion of campaign finance reform. And I am proud to carry the constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. End Citizens United // Let America Vote is doing such important work to keep dark money out of politics and protect our democracy,” said Adam Schiff. “I am deeply grateful for their endorsement for U.S. Senate and look forward to our continued work together.”

Congressman Adam Schiff knows our democracy cannot truly represent Americans until every voice is heard, which is why he’s spent his career fighting to protect our democracy. He introduced the Protecting Our Democracy Act and the Democracy For All Amendment and cosponsored the Transparent Representation Upholding Service and Trust (TRUST) Act, which are reforms aimed at ensuring transparency in Congress. He also was a cosponsor of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Congressman Schiff earned an “A+” on ECU // LAV’s 2023 legislative scorecard for his pro-democracy and anti-corruption work.

ECU // LAV is dedicated to combating the two biggest challenges facing our democracy: the corrosive impact of Big Money and attempts to block access to the ballot box. Since its founding in 2015, the group has had over 1 million donors and raised $200 million, with an average donation of just $14. The group has more than 4 million members nationwide.
