Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Endorses Congresswoman Nikema Williams for Reelection

Apr 21, 2022

End Citizens United // Let America Vote (ECU // LAV) today endorsed Congresswoman Nikema Williams for re-election in GA-05. During her short time in Congress, Williams has become a leader among leaders in protecting the freedom to vote.

“There couldn’t have been a better person to fill the late Congressman John Lewis’ seat than Congresswoman Nikema Williams,” said ECU // LAV President Tiffany Muller. “From shining a light on the nefarious efforts to disenfranchise Americans, to testifying about the dangers of election subversion, to cosponsoring the most comprehensive voting rights bill in decades, Representative Williams has fought tooth and nail to make sure politicians don’t stand between voters and the ballot box. We need her voice and advocacy in Washington, and we look forward to helping her win again.”

“There is a dangerous effort around the country to turn back the clock on progress, and to pass Jim Crow 2.0 laws to silence the voices of the people,” said Congresswoman Williams. “Georgians are no strangers to voter suppression tactics, but some of the laws passed in Georgia and throughout the country over the last year are downright cruel, inhumane, and un-democratic. As long as I’m in Congress, I will do everything in my power to stop them and protect access to the ballot for all Americans. I’m proud to be endorsed by End Citizens United and Let America Vote, and I look forward to working with them to protect the freedom to vote.”

Building off of the legacy of her predecessor, the late Congressman John Lewis, Congresswoman Williams has centered her priorities in Washington on voting rights. Over the last year, she has cosponsored and championed every iteration of the For the People Act to protect the freedom to vote for all Americans. And in response to a voter suppression tactic by Georgia Republicans, Williams introduced the “Stay in Line to Vote Act” which would explicitly allow food and drink to be provided to voters while they wait in line at polling places. She even testified in front of the House Administration Committee and the House Judiciary Committee about the importance of voting rights and the dangers of election subversion.

Additionally, Williams has quickly become a leader on rooting out corruption in Washington. She has cosponsored the Democracy for All Amendment, the DISCLOSE Act, and the Get Foreign Money Out of U.S. Elections Act, among other legislation to get Big Money out of politics and make government accountable to the people.

ECU // LAV is a leading anti-corruption and voting rights group. The grassroots-funded political action committee raised and spent $65.5 million in the 2020 election cycle to elect candidates fighting to limit the influence of big money in politics and protect the freedom to vote. ECU // LAV has more than four million members nationwide, including over 208,000 in Georgia.
