Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Endorses Michelle Vallejo for Congress in TX-15

May 17, 2022

Vallejo is rejecting corporate PAC money in her campaign

End Citizens United // Let America Vote today endorsed Michelle Vallejo for Congress in Texas’ 15th congressional district.

“Michelle Vallejo is an anti-corruption champion who we need in Washington to root out corporate greed and end the influence of Big Money in our politics. From standing up against corporate special interests to calling out attacks on the freedom to vote in Texas and supporting legislation that would protect and expand access to the ballot box, Vallejo will go to Washington to ensure that every Texan can make their voice and vote heard and count and not have it be drowned out by dark money interests,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller. “That is why we are so thrilled to endorse her and look forward to helping her win this election.”

“I am honored to be endorsed by End Citizens United // Let America Vote. I’m not taking a single penny of corporate money, so the people of Texas know that I’m accountable to them–and only them. When I’m elected, I’ll work to end dark money, get corporate PACs out of our elections, and ensure everyone has the freedom to vote so that every Texan can have a voice on the issues that matter most to them. I look forward to working with End Citizens United // Let America Vote to get it done,” said Michelle Vallejo.

Vallejo is refusing to take corporate PAC money, lobbyist money, or trade association money and supports banning corporate PACs so that wealthy corporations are no longer able to buy politicians and elections to enact policies that pad their bottom lines. She is a supporter of the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, a once-in-a-generation anti-corruption and voting rights bill that would end dark money, limit the influence of lobbyists, and protect the freedom to vote. She’s been an active and inspiring part of the South Texas community for years. From owning her own small business to co-founding a women’s entrepreneurship conference that provides resources and support for minority women in business, Vallejo has been a leader in South Texas and will continue to be one as a member of Congress.

ECU // LAV is a leading anti-corruption and voting rights group. The grassroots-funded political action committee raised and spent $65.5 million in the 2020 election cycle to elect candidates fighting to limit the influence of big money in politics and protect the freedom to vote. ECU // LAV has more than four million members nationwide, including nearly 154,000 in Texas.
