Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Endorses Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for Reelection

May 09, 2024

Senator Whitehouse received an ‘A+’ on ECU // LAV’s 2024 legislative scorecard for his pro-democracy, anti-corruption work

End Citizens United // Let America Vote (ECU // LAV) today endorsed Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for reelection in Rhode Island. Senator Whitehouse, who has been at the forefront of the fight to fix our broken campaign finance system, refuses to take corporate PAC money in his campaign. 

“Senator Whitehouse has spent his time in the Senate putting the American people first, fighting back against the corporate special interests that are spending big money to buy influence and access in Congress,” said Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United // Let America Vote. “He knows that we can’t achieve systemic change on the issues facing working Rhode Island families until we root out corruption and dark money within our government. He refuses to take any corporate PAC money because he is accountable only to the people. His leadership in the fight for transparency and accountability at all levels of government—including the Supreme Court—is second to none. We are proud to endorse Senator Whitehouse for reelection and look forward to helping him win.”

“I’m honored to be endorsed by End Citizens United // Let America Vote, an organization that is as committed as I am to getting dark money out of our politics and putting power back in the hands of the people,” said Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. “Americans have the strong sense that their government isn’t listening to them. Big special interests and creepy billionaires have exploited our broken campaign finance system to make the political system work for them at the expense of everyone else. I look forward to continuing to partner with End Citizens United // Let America Vote to root out corruption, strengthen ethics at the Supreme Court, and restore Americans’ voices in our democracy.”

Senator Whitehouse has spent his career relentlessly standing up to special interests looking to drown out Rhode Islanders’ voices. He has repeatedly led the introduction of the DISCLOSE Act in the Senate, which would get anonymous special interest money out of politics. He also cosponsored a number of other good government legislation, including the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Senator Whitehouse received an ‘A+’ on ECU // LAV’s 2024 legislative scorecard. 

Senator Whitehouse has also been the leading voice in the fight to reform the Supreme Court. His Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act, which would hold corrupt justices accountable to a strict code of ethics, has been endorsed by ECU // LAV. 

ECU // LAV is dedicated to combating the two biggest challenges facing our democracy: the corrosive impact of Big Money and attempts to block access to the ballot box. Since its founding in 2015, the group has had over 1 million donors and raised $200 million, with an average donation of just $14. The group has more than 4 million members nationwide.
