Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Endorses Susheela Jayapal for Congress

May 09, 2024

End Citizens United // Let America Vote (ECU // LAV) today endorsed Susheela Jayapal for Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District. Jayapal is refusing to take any corporate PAC money in her campaign, proving she is only accountable to Oregon families. 

“Susheela Jayapal is working to put our government back in the hands of the people and out of the special interests and wealthy elite who bought their way in,” said Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United // Let America Vote. “That’s why she’s rejecting corporate PAC money because she refuses to be bought by outside influence. It’s also why we’ve seen a huge influx in outside money being funneled into her race—these corrupt dark money groups know that she will limit their access and influence once she’s elected. We need champions like her in Congress to stand up against these corrupt actors and fight for Oregon families. We’re excited to endorse Susheela and look forward to helping her win.”

“So many of the most pressing issues that face working Oregon families can be traced back to special interest groups’ influence in our government, which is why I’m honored to be endorsed by End Citizens United // Let America Vote,” said Susheela Jayapal. “They share my deep belief that our democracy cannot truly work until we end the corruption in Washington. My commitment has always been—and always will be—to the people. I am refusing to take any money from corporate PACs and promise to always work to increase transparency and accountability in our government. I look forward to working alongside End Citizens United // Let America Vote to protect our democracy from greedy corporations.” 

While serving on the Multnomah County Commission, Jayapal fought tirelessly to better the lives of Oregon families. She will always stand up for our democracy by safeguarding and expanding voting rights and will work to pass legislation like the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Jayapal knows that to fix our broken campaign system, we need to pass good government legislation that will create better transparency and accountability in our government, which is why she firmly supports the DISCLOSE Act and similar bills. 

ECU // LAV is dedicated to combating the two biggest challenges facing our democracy: the corrosive impact of Big Money and attempts to block access to the ballot box. Since its founding in 2015, the group has had over 1 million donors and raised $200 million, with an average donation of just $14. The group has more than 4 million members nationwide.
