Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Launch New Ad Campaign Hitting Senators Rubio and Johnson For Protecting Dark Money

Aug 17, 2021

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund launched a new ad campaign following Senate Republicans blocking passage last week of the DISCLOSE Act and the For the People Act. The DISCLOSE Act is a central pillar to the For the People Act and would end dark money by requiring any organization that spends $10,000 or more campaign expenditures to file a disclosure report with the Federal Election Commission within 24 hours of spending.

The digital ads specifically target Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Ron Johnson for taking “millions in contributions from corporate interests,” while voting “against getting dark money out of politics.” The $250,000 ad campaign will also run digital ads praising Democratic Senators Mark Kelly in Arizona, Reverend Raphael Warnock in Georgia, Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire and Joe Manchin in West Virginia for standing up to special interests and voting to end dark money.

“After Senate Republicans again blocked a bill that would once-and-for-all end dark money’s influence in our elections, it is important for the American people to know which side their Senators are on,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote President TIffany Muller. “These new ads will make clear to the people of these states whether their Senator stood up to big money special interests, like Senators Kelly, Hassan, Warnock, and Manchin did, or if they decided to put their donors first, like Senators Rubio and Johnson did.”

The $250,000 digital ad buy will start running on August 17, 2021. The ads will run on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, connected TV and programmatic video.

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