Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Praises Senate Introduction of For the People Act

Mar 17, 2021

Senate must move quickly to protect the right to vote, limit the influence of big money, and crack down on corruption, by passing the For the People Act into law 

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund President Tiffany Muller released the following statement on the Senate introduction of the For the People Act (S. 1, H.R. 1) today: 

“Americans of every political party support the For the People Act and its reforms because they want solutions to the big problems affecting their daily lives. And they know the broken system in Washington is in the way. Right now, corporate special interests have too much access and influence and self-serving politicians are launching an assault on voting rights across the county. Now is the time to act.

“The For the People Act offers common sense solutions to rein in big money in our politics, crackdown on political corruption, end gerrymandering, ensure safe and accurate elections, and protect the right to vote. These reforms will benefit all Americans, regardless of their political affiliation.

“Senators Merkley and Klobuchar are leading the charge on this bill because they understand the urgent need to pass these reforms to make our government more accountable to the people. It’s the only way we’ll make progress on important issues like lowering the costs of prescription drugs and making the economy work for everyone. We are also incredibly grateful to Majority Leader Schumer and Senate Democrats, who have designated the bill S. 1 and made it a top priority. We look forward to working with them and with any Senator who is serious about making government work for all Americans to pass this bill.”

The For the People Act (H.R. 1/S. 1) has become a centerpiece of the Democratic agenda in Congress following the 2018 and 2020 elections when Democrats took and held the House and won back the Senate running on a platform of cleaning up corruption and unrigging the system in Washington. A wave of Republican-led voter suppression bills across the country designed to help the party hold onto power has increased the urgency to pass the bill quickly.

ECU and LAV Action Fund has been leading the charge to pass this bold package of anti-corruption, voting and ethics reforms, working with candidates and elected officials to make pro-democracy reforms a top priority and encouraging Americans to demand that their congressional representatives pass the bill.

As reported by The New York Times, ECU // LAV Action Fund and NDRC are investing $30 million in television and digital advertising; major grassroots activation, including putting boots on the ground in key states; and grasstops education and outreach. The campaign will fund key national and local allied organizations––from good government and voting rights groups to a wide array of issue advocacy groups. This historic investment will harness the grassroots energy for unrigging the system in Washington to make it work for everyone, not just those on top, and will make it clear to the Senate that we must pass this bill.
