Press Releases

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Statement on House Elections Hearing

Jul 10, 2023

‘MAGA Republicans trying to regain confidence in elections is like an arsonist trying to put out the fire they started’

Ahead of the Committee on House Administration field hearing in Georgia today on “American Confidence in Elections: The Path to Election Integrity Across America,” End Citizens United // Let America Vote Communications Director Jonas Edwards-Jenks issued the following statement:

“MAGA Republicans trying to regain confidence in elections is like an arsonist trying to put out the fire they started. At every turn, MAGA Republicans have sought to weaken voting rights, unleash Big Money in our politics, and undermine our elections. If Americans don’t have faith in our elections, that responsibility falls directly on the far-right and their enablers—who have spent the last three years spreading dangerous misinformation and sowing seeds of doubt in voters’ minds.

“To truly rebuild the trust of the American people in our elections and democracy, Congress must root out corruption, end the corrosive impact Big Money has in our politics, and fully enshrine the right to vote.”

The House Republicans’ American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act will boost the influence of Big Money in elections while making it more difficult for millions of Americans to vote. The ACE Act only serves to benefit wealthy and corporate interests, blocking progress on the critical issues that matter to voters. Elections should reflect the voice of the people—not bow to the influence of extremist billionaires and special interest corporations.
