Press Releases

Extreme SCOTUS Term Means Court Reform Must Be Central to Democrats’ Messaging in 2024 Elections

Jul 05, 2023

As the Supreme Court heads into its summer recess, End Citizens United (ECU) // Let America Vote (LAV) President Tiffany Muller is urging Democrats to make Court reform a central theme in the 2024 elections:

“The extremist Court’s decisions on critical issues, such as denying one-time student loan relief, overturning affirmative action, permitting discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals, and gutting the Clean Water Act, are just the latest reminder that the Court is mired in corruption and bent on chipping away at our fundamental rights and freedoms. In just over a year, justices selected by Trump and dark-money megadonors have undone long-standing precedent that affect millions of Americans.

“In light of these setbacks, Democrats have a ripe opportunity to make Court reform a central theme in their 2024 election messaging. The American people are on our side; they want a Court that will uphold their rights and liberties.

“End Citizens United // Let America Vote will continue to work with Democratic candidates to lead on protecting democracy and make reforming the Court a pillar of their campaigns. Our democracy demands a Supreme Court that upholds the principles of justice, equality, and protection for all Americans, not just the powerful few.”

ECU // LAV conducted a poll to gauge voters’ opinions on the Supreme Court. The poll found that Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of implementing ethics and transparency reforms in the Supreme Court.

Key findings:

  • A majority of voters don’t have trust or confidence in the Supreme Court.

  • 67% of voters believe a code of ethics and a method for investigating violations would restore trust in the institution.

  • 64% of voters believed that the Supreme Court made decisions based on the influence of special interests and their own political ideology, rather than on a fair and impartial interpretation of the law.

  • 80% of voters are in favor of requiring organizations that spend money to influence judicial decisions to disclose their largest donors.

  • 74% of voters feel that there should be strong repercussions for Justice Clarence Thomas’ ethical violations, and believe he should face some sort of penalty.
