Press Releases

Following End Citizens United Complaint, Tom Barrett Files Finance Report Nearly Three Months Late

Nov 06, 2023

Last week, End Citizens United (ECU) filed a complaint with the Department of Justice (DOJ), requesting an investigation into Tom Barrett, Republican candidate for Michigan’s 7th congressional district, for his apparent violation of federal law in failing to file a personal financial disclosure report (PFD). Two days after ECU’s complaint—and after public pressure—Barrett finally filed his report.

“Tom Barrett’s brazen attempt to keep voters in the dark about his finances for over two months is an insult to Michiganders and democracy itself,” said Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United. “After seemingly evading federal law for over two months, it’s no coincidence that he filed his PFD only after public pressure. Barrett is explicitly familiar with these laws, having previously run for office, making it even more shameful that he would go to such lengths to conceal his finances.”

This isn’t the first time ECU has worked to hold Barrett accountable. In his last failed campaign, ECU filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for illegally using $40,000 of state campaign money to boost his 2022 congressional campaign.


  • On July 7th Barrett filed a statement for candidacy for the 7th congressional district seat. His principal campaign committee reported raising over $5,000 towards the primary election on July 10th—solidifying his candidacy for MI-07.

  • As required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, candidates are required to file a personal financial disclosure form within 30 days of becoming a candidate or by May 15th of the year they became a candidate—whichever is later. Individuals have the option to request an extension of ninety days.

  • As he became a candidate on July 10th, Barrett was required to file a PFD form by August 9th, 2023.

  • On October 31, ECU filed a complaint to the DOJ alleging Barrett hadn’t yet filed a PFD form nor had he asked for an extension for filing.

  • On November 1, Raw Story published an article slamming Barrett for violating campaign laws by failing to file his PFD.

  • On November 2, two days after the complaint and one day after the article, Barrett filed his PFD nearly three months late.

Click HERE to read the complaint.
